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What is flamegraphdiff?

what is..:

Usage instructions

flamegraphdiff can be installed by cloning the git repository and the submodules:

$ git clone https://github.com/corpaul/flamegraphdiff.git --recursive

Generating a differential flame graph-set is easy! Simply run:

$ cd flamegraphdiff
$ FlameGraph/difffolded.pl demos/rsync/rsync_v2.txt demos/rsync/rsync_v1.txt | FlameGraph/flamegraph.pl > demos/rsync/rsync_dfg1.svg 
$ FlameGraph/difffolded.pl demos/rsync/rsync_v1.txt demos/rsync/rsync_v2.txt | FlameGraph/flamegraph.pl > demos/rsync/rsync_dfg2.svg 
$ FlameGraph/difffolded.pl -d demos/rsync/rsync_v1.txt demos/rsync/rsync_v2.txt | FlameGraph/flamegraph.pl > demos/rsync/rsync_dfg_diff.svg 

$ graphs/generate_dfg_report.sh rsync_dfg1.svg rsync_dfg2.svg rsync_dfg_diff.svg demos/rsync/
(note: this will generate demos/rsync/dfg-set.html)


Below you can find some demo's of flamegraphdiff.